LEAGUE: What’s In A Name?
We love the word LEAGUE for so many reasons.
It connotes uniting, striving and collaborating. Often the classification for a sports team or a government alliance, we believe the teamwork celebrated in these arenas could reshape the real estate industry.
Since LEAGUE began, we have embraced the conviction that we prosper more individually when we prosper together. Matt Lewis, one of the co-founders of LEAGUE, likes to use an expression that JFK is credited with making famous, “Rising tides lifts all boats.” Here at LEAGUE we are a collection of people that gather together with a common purpose. We have like-minded relational and business objectives. Through the combination of our individual grit and tenacity, we are more than just a collection of people. We are a synergistic force producing and serving to a greater scale and depth together than we could individually!
I love getting a bird’s-eye view of our company and seeing the way each individual agent continues to build our collective reputation for serving our clients in our distinct way. We see this in the way we all support, encourage and challenge one another. We even witness the LEAGUE distinctive spirit of cooperation at work in how real estate deals get negotiated. I recently experienced this with a listing in which I was representing the seller. Several of the potential buyers with whom my client and I negotiated were LEAGUE agents. My sellers voiced a great appreciation that the agents who took their property seriously and behaved professionally and with great kindness and respect were LEAGUE agents!
Early on, when trying to determine a name for this company, we wanted one that suggested a team spirit. As a noun, the word LEAGUE conveyed (as a noun) the sense of a “group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport.” As a verb, the word LEAGUE represents the way we “come together as a team to achieve a common goal.” In the world of business I found a very fitting definition of the word LEAGUE in Business Dictionary: “A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job, or project. Team members operate with a high degree of interdependence, share authority and responsibility for self-management, are accountable for the collective performance, and work toward the common goal and shared rewards. A team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members.” (businessdictionary.com)
I LOVE THIS! We are more than a collection of agents. Our strong sense of mutual commitment is creating distinct momentum in our local real estate market. We’re seeing and excited to see each agent thrive in 2020 and to witness the tides rising for all of us, clients and agents alike!