Your Neighbor, Your Ally

You’re ready. It’s been years of careful saving and hopeful dreaming and you think maybe, just maybe, you’re ready to buy your first home.
You’re retiring in a couple of years. You’ve worked hard to get to this point and you have expectations and aspirations for the coming years. You want to sell your home and downsize for less maintenance and more flexibility.
You’ve got a strategy. Diversifying your portfolio isn’t something you only leave up to your financial advisor. You have plans to invest and improve maybe sell or even lease out a parcel of properties.
The next step is key. In the age of DIY, you could go it alone, wading through dozens or easily hundreds of websites for financial advice, pricing strategies, real estate insider advice. Or, you could keep doing what you do best, and take on an ally to help you realize your dreams.
Whether you’ve been buying and selling real estate for decades or owning your own home has only recently seemed to be even a remote possibility, there is nothing that can replace the wisdom and experience of a trusted agent.
The word “league” refers to a group of people who come together for a shared purpose. At LEAGUE Real Estate, our shared purpose is quite simple: service. To us, this isn’t just fluffy, feel-good corporate language. This is our entire outlook. If you ask our agents, they will tell you they have rarely if ever encountered a group of professionals with such a sense of camaraderie as they band together to serve their communities.
You see, as people who help others invest in land, we ourselves our grounded in this community. We are proud members of Westcliff, Ryan Place, Arlington Heights, Wedgewood, Riverside, Meadowbrook, Berkley, Fairmount, River Oaks, and Ridglea (just to name a few). The people we work with are our neighbors, friends, little league coaches, fellow church members, carpool buddies, and book club friends. Our perspective is long-term, not just to help you buy or sell a house, but to serve you as your advisor and champion for years to come.
This doesn’t mean we are solely about hugs and shared cups of coffee (although we love those things). We also are all about providing the best tools and knowledge possible to the people who trust us with their real estate goals. That’s why we are always pushing the status quo and creating stunning and strategic marketing campaigns and targeted social media strategies reaching thousands for our clients. We also continuously strive for excellence by improving our knowledge of this market and this business. We have weekly team meetings that are creative, interactive, and challenging and offer tailored in-house video trainings to our team. Within our team there is also an unrivaled spirit of camaraderie with agents coming together to strategize and share knowledge and expertise.
No matter where you are in the journey that is buying and selling real estate, there are plenty of hopes and fears and a great deal of planning and hard work that has brought you to this moment. We want to walk beside you, listen to your plans and hopes, work tirelessly to help you fulfill your goals, and fight tenaciously on your behalf. Why? Because just like you, we love this city and we believe we can use our skills and resources to make this community and maybe even your life just a little bit better.
Ask us. We are always #readytoserve